James Andrew Palmer, 78, dies of a heart attack in his pasture
in Shoal Creek District, Nov; 24. He was a successful farmer and
had resided at the old Capt. Asbury farm on Shoal Creek for many
years. Funeral services were held from Shoal Creek Church,
Sunday afternoon. Interment was in the Church Cemetery. ( Shoal
Creek Baptist Church Cemetery)
He is survived by his wife,( Georgia Ann Hendrix, Palmer.),
four sons, W.L. and J.N. Palmer, both of Dahlonega; Walter
Palmer, Columbus Ohio; and Pratt Palmer, Rt. 2; Three
Daughters, Mrs. Bill Brazil, Detroit Mich.; Mrs. Tom Davidson,
and Mrs. Adelle Miller, both of Shoal Creek; three brothers,
Bill Palmer, Atlanta; Luther Palmer, Shoal Creek; and Gordon
Palmer, Murphy N.C.; and one sister, Mrs. Nettie Gooch,
17 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren. Wards had charge.
Cleveland Georgia.
This is my Grandfather, my father is Walter Palmer, his son. I
am Walters daughter,
Shirley Palmer, Westfall. Columbus Ohio.