
Warren J. Crumley
Contract with
James M. Smith
15 January 1910

Georgia, Oglethorpe County:

I hereby rent for the term of  one  years, from JAMES M. SMITH, Landord, the farm known as  part of the G--- yard fixed – lower end next to creek –all that J. C. Barrett worked in year 1909 & what was and is owned by Jim M. Smith to ----- leading to pines containing about 55    acres more or less of open land, including the houses thereon.  Said term of rent beginning on the 15th day of January 1910.   I agree to cultivate all open land on said farm in a farmer-like manner, and to gather all crops from thereon without waste, damage or loss.

I agree to pay as rent for the said farm  four thousand and twenty five pounds of Athens miaaling light cotton put up in merchantible bales and delivered at Smithonia on or before October 1st, 1910.   

In addition to the above rent I agree to, without charge to the said landlord, take good care of all said farm, not to cut any green or other valuable timber thereon, without the consent of the said landlord in writing, to lay off new terraces when and where needed and keep all terraces turned up with a two-horse plow, to run all rows on a level, to clear out and prevent from breaking all upland ditches, to cut new upland ditches when and where needed, to keep the land from washing, to cut drain ditches when and where needed to dry the land, to cut briars and bushes, clean off fence and hedge rows, build fences and pasutres, cut and split new rails for the same, cut and burn all brushes, briars and other obstructions in pastures, so as to keep pastures cleared off in a way to allow grass to grow.

In case, in the judgement of the said landlord, it becomes necessary to hire labor in preparing, cultivating or gathering any or all of said crops, the said landlord shall have the right to do so, and charge the expense of the same to me and all such expenses I agree shall be a lien upon all said crops, resing on the same footing as the rent. I agree to work on said farm all of my family under age, and regulary 2 mules or horses to plow. I agree myself nor anyone working for or with me on said farm, not to do any labor off said farm without the consent of the said landlord in writing.  I agree to fill up with brush and litter all washes, and to place rock on the same, so as to prevent said brush and litter from washing away; in all plowing to lift the plow over all washes, according to the order of the said landord.

I agree to sow and plant said farm in such crops, and use such quantities of fertilizers as the said landlord may direct; all farming operations from beginning to end shall be according to orders and directions of the said landlord. I agree to make no charge for any improvements made on said premises during the said lease, unless the same is agreed to by the said landlord in writing before the improvements are made. I agree to bring all cotton raised on said farm and all grain to be fround for said farm; the cotton to the gin and the grain to the mill of the said landlord to be ginned and ground for the usual toll.

Whatever damage or injury may befall said premises in consequence of my neglect, carelessness or failure to carry out the terms of this contract, or from any other cause over which I may have control I agree shall be charged up to me and the same shall become a lien upon any other property which I may own, resting on the same footing as the rent.

Now in order to secure the payment of the said rent, and any all all other advances that may be made to me or to any of my hands or employers, for fertilizers, supplies, money, farming



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