
White County Units in the Civil War


Those Men Wore Grey by Karen Ledford

Company B, 52d Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry Army of Tennessee C.S.A
    White County, Georgia  Cleveland Volunteers 
               As Complied by Lillian Henderson  Roster

24th Regiment, Georgia Infantry   by Wayne Chandler

24th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Company C, White County Marksmen

Jeptha Freeman Headen Murdock of White County (not usually listed in any Rosters).   He was with the 24th, Co. C,  but died, or was sent home to die shortly after enlisting.  
From gg-granddaughter

24th Regiment, Infantry, Company I.   Glade Guard Volunteer Rifles
                        Roster    by Wayne Chandler
Website Removed - Archive Copy

52nd Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Company B, Cleveland Volunteers
                 Roster by Ricky Ray  

Wesley R. Ledford served in the 52nd Regiment, Company B, Infantry. "Cleveland Volunteers". Private March 04, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Exchanged at Fort Delaware, February, 1864. Surrender at Kingston, Ga, May 12, 1865. He was born in Habersham County on September 05, 1838 and died in White County, Ga. on January 05, 1913. He is buried at Dukes Creek, White County, Ga.
From gggnephew  

 John White, Sr. - private June 10, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863. Paroled there July 1863. pension records show he was unfit for further service. Born in Habersham County, GA in 1836. Died in White County, GA, June 14, 1897.
From gggrandson Michael White

Pvt Reuben A. Morris of Company B, 52nd Regiment is show in many places as having died from Measles in Knoxville in 1863.  
From research I found that his actual death date was May 9, 1862, and he is buried in the Bethel Confederate Cemetery in Knoxville, TN.


52nd Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Company C


Aber Frank Grindle served in the 52nd Regiment, Infantry, Company C. He was born in January, 1840 in Lumpkin County. Is believed to be buried at Town Creek Baptist Church, White County, Ga.
From ggnephew  

52nd Regiment, Infantry, Company E, Phillip's Legion,  Blue Ridge Rifles 
             Muster Roll    by Robert Reese, Jr.

Noah White served in the Phillips Legion Infantry Battalion Co E (which was known as the Blue Ridge Rifles).. Noah was born September 1840 in Lumpkin County, Ga and died in 1910 in Lumpkin County. He is buried at Corinth Baptist Church in Lumpkin County.
From gggnephew    

 Frank White served in the Phillips Legion Infantry Battalion Co E (which was known as the Blue Ridge Rifles).. Frank was born in 1844 in Lumpkin County. He was killed in Cold Harbor VA  on May 31, 1864. He was struck by a shell fragment.
From gggnephew    

Web Site with more information

65th Regiment, Georgia Infantry (Smith's Legion), Company C, Dixie Rangers
                 Muster Roll  by Michael Gay

 Thomas John White was born September 23, 1830 in Habersham County. They later settled in area of Town Creek Baptist Church, (FrogTown). He joined the 65th Regiment, Co. C Infantry out of White County, "Dixie Rangers". He was wounded May 23, 1864 at the Battle of New Hope Church in Paulding County. He died on September 20, 1892 and is buried at Town Creek Baptist Church.
From ggggrandson

Joabert Jr. White was born in 1842 in Habersham County, what later was White County. He joined the 65th Regiment, Co. C, Infantry out of White County. He was captured May 18, 1864 at Adairsville, Ga, and was transported to Rock Island Prison in Illinois were he died on June 15, 1864 of pneumonia. His grave marker #1238.
From gggnephew  

White, Josiah -- Private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 15, 1862. Transferred to Co. C, 65th Regt. Ga. Inf., Mar. 1863. Deserted near Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 12, 1863. Joined from desertion Oct. 5, 1863, and arrested. Appointed 3d Corporal Nov. 1863. Captured at Marietta, Ga., June 18, 1864, and sent to Camp Morton, Indiana.
Josiah was released from Camp Morton prison at Indianapolis on 5/23/1865 upon taking the Oath of Allegiance. It states that he is 5' 8&1/2" tall with grey eyes, black hair and is dark complected.
Josiah was born in Ga., Sept. 5, 1832. He died in Lumpkin Co., Ga., May 24, 1917 and is buried at the "Old Patton Cemetery".

From (a gg grandson)

65th Regiment, Georgia Infantry (Smith's Legion), Company F  
                       Muster Roll and more  by Michael Gay

 Company G, 8th Regiment, Ga. State Troops

William Glenn Spencer served as 4th Sergeant in Company G, 8th Regiment, Ga. State Troops, November 07, 1861. Mustered out in 1862. Enlisted as private in Company D, Infantry Battalion, Smith's Legion, Ga. May 15, 1862. Transferred to Company C, 65th Regiment , Ga. Infantry, March, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to US Government, at Chattanooga. Tenn, February 29, 1864. Born on January 10, 1840 in Lumpkin County and died on January 02, 1923 in Hall County. He is buried at Alta Vista cemetery. He was a Methodist preacher.
 From gggnephew

Darius White was a Private in Co. G. State Troops, January 08, 1862. Enlisted as a private in Infantry Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga., on February 11, 1863. Transferred to Co C, 65th Regiment, Ga. Infantry on March of 1863. Killed in Decatur, Ga., July 23, 1864.
From gggnephew

Company D, First Regiment, State Line, Lumpkin County, "Blue Ridge Rangers".  

John Bevely Sullens served in the Company D, First Regiment, State Line, Lumpkin County, "Blue Ridge Rangers". He was born March 08, 1824 in North Carolina. He died in 1911 and is buried at Peck's Chapel in Lumpkin County.
From ggggrandson


Noah Allison of White County was mustered in May 6, 1862 in Atlanta, GA to Capt Rice's Co (Fulton Dragoons), Cavalry Battalion, Georgia Legion. He was assigned as Pvt to Capt Wm M Williams Calvary Co (Co B). In 1863 this was changed to Cobb's Legion, Ga Vols. On Nov 26, 1863 he was captured while on picket duty at Mine Run, VA and sent to Old Capitol Prison in Washington DC. He was transferred to the prison at Point Lookout, MD in Feb 1864 where he remained until he was exchanged Feb 24, 1865. He died Apr 23, 1924 and is buried in the O'Kelly Cemetery in White County.
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