Leonard D.
submitted by
Leonard D. Carpenter
was the sixth child and the third son of
Paul and Lavinia Lavender Carpenter.
Paul and Vinie lived
on the Carpenter/Zimmerman home place in Gaston Co.,
before moving to Habersham Co. Ga. The family had moved from this
area before 1799. Prior to that time, the Carpenter/Zimmerman family
were living in
Hans Zimmerman and his
wife Sarah Solome Zimmerman
emigrated to
Pennsylvania in 1732 from
via the ship the Pink Plaisance.
There is a discrepancy about when and where
Leonard was born.
However, we know he was born between May, 1852 and March 19, 1854.
The first date was gathered from census records and the last from
the tombstone inscription. If
Leonard was born in 1852, his place of birth is probably
Gaston Co. N.C. If the later date is correct the family was in
Habersham Co. Ga.
Leonard Carpenter grew
up with his brothers and sisters in Habersham Co. He probably
Church where
his father was a member.
In 1860, Leonard was
in the Clarkesville District of Habersham Co. with his family which
had now grown to include eight children. The ninth child was born
in Feb. 1865.
Leonard’s brothers and
sisters were Sarah Ann,
Missouri, Nancy Jane,
Lawson, John Franklin, Pinckney, Jonas and Josephine.
By 1868, Leonard had
become an apprentice millwright. He was probably learning this
trade from his Uncle Elijah
Carpenter who was a millwright. Sometime during this
period, he met Mary Louise Hulsey
daughter of I.B. Hulsey and Nancy
Kytle Hulsey. They married ( I have not found the
marriage record as yet) and on Oct. 27, 1873
Emma Cordelia Carpenter
was born. On Oct. 13, 1875, a son
William Hulsey Carpenter
was born. These are the only two documented children of
Leonard and
Mary L., however, oral
family stories that have been passed down has always stated that
there were three children.( source: (Leroy Hogan and Eva Skelton
Potts Lancaster- Leonard and Ica’s grandchildren))
In 1880, Mary and the
two children were living in the Pole Cat district of Habersham Co.
Ga. with Mary’s mother Nancy
Hulsey. Leonard
was living with his brother Jonas
at Center Hill in Habersham Co.
Leonard was working as
a millwright and traveled into Towns Co. Ga. While there he met and
married Isa Dora Brown,
the daughter of Javan
and Martha Hooper Brown.
Isa, pronounced,
Icie was 11 years 7
months and 29 days old. Leonard
was at least 26. Icie
told her granddaughter Ruth
(Ruth Skelton) that
her feet did not reach the floorboard in the wagon that she rode in
on the way to get married.
Leonard and Icie lived in White Co. Ga. In the Mossy
Creek area, near
Church in a big
two story house with a wrap-around porch.
On July 25, 1881, Dovie
Carpenter was born. On her birthday, one year later,
Dovie died. It was two
more years before Icie
had another child, a strong baby boy. They named him Edward and
called him Edd. On
Edward’s second birthday,
Sept. 22, 1886 a daughter was born
Lillian Carpenter. As
beautiful as a flower, she was called
Lilly. The next child
came on Dec. 29 1887, a boy
Wesley. Children continued coming about every other
year, Coley on April
29, 1887; Bertie Dora
on November 29 1891, Eva Lee
“Evie” on March 29, 1894;
Minnie Belle on Feb. 22,
1896; Leonard on
November 25, 1897; Beulah
almost ushered in a new century but was a little early, she was born
on Dec. 30, 1900. The children continued with
Emory on Jan 2, 1902,
Ernest was born on July
22, 1903 but only lived for four days.
Deemie Nell Carpenter was
born on July 23, 1904. I am sure the family worried having lost two
July babies, but Deemie
made it. A couple of months
Lula Mae Carpenter was born on March 6, 1907.
Leonard was 54.
Icie was nearly 39. The
final child was born on Nov. 12, 1910 a son
Howard Frank.
By the time the last children were born two of the boys
Edd and Wesley had
already grown up and left home.
Edd had married and was working for the railroad ( he had
also been at one point a revenue officer) and
Wesley had decided to
make the Army a career.
married in 1906 to Allan
Chandler Payne.
They made their home in
County. In
1910, they were on
Pea Ridge Rd.
Later, they moved to Cornelia.
children continued to marry and move away. Then the depression
hit. The Bank of Cleveland closed. Leonard never said how much
money he lost but it took the life out of him. My father, Leroy
Hogan, said Leonard would sit in a chair on the porch and watch the
older grandchildren play in the field and the younger children play
in the yard. Leonard Carpenter went out to the barn on Nov.
28,1932, When he did not return to the house ,
Ica sent Willie Mae
Skelton, out to look for him. She found him dead in the barn.
Carpenter was dead, but he left behind children and grandchildren in
County area.
Habersham Co. Census in household with his brother Jonas
1900 Mossy
Creek. White Co.
Ga. Census. with
Ica and 9 children from
Edward to Beulah. Enumerated June 1900
Leonard, b. May 1857 age 43 NC/NC/NC married 17 farmer
b. Mach 1869 age 31 m. 17, 7 children 6 living:
Sept. 1884 age 15
Sept. 1886 age 13 Ga
Dec. 1887 age 13 Ga
April 1889 age 11
Nov. 1891 age 8
Evie L.
March 1994 age 6
Minnie B.
Feb. 1896 age 4
Nov. 1897 age 2
Ula Dec.
1900 age 5/12 ( Is this possible, the census was in June was Beulah
born in 1899)
1910 Mossy
Creek: White Co.Ga. Census:
Carpenter, Leonard D. age 55 white male married 26 years Ga/NC/NC
speaks english Carpenter Millwright,
wife age 43
Cosie age
Bertie age
Evie L. 16
Bell age 14
Leonard D.
age 12
Beulah age
Emory age
Deemie N.
Lula M.
age 3
Frank H.
1920 Mossy
Creek White Co.
Leonard D.
64, Isie 50, Deemie 14, Mae 13, Frank 10
1930 Mossy
Creek White Co. GA. Census HH135
Name Age
Birth Year
Birthplace Relation to
head-of-house Race Home in 1930
Leonard D
Carpenter 74 1855
Head White Mossy Creek, White, GA
Carpenter 59 1870 Wife Mossy Creek, White, GA
Carpenter 12 1917 Adopted Daughter Mossy Creek, White, GA
Leonard D
age 74 married at age 28, Isia age 59 married at age 14 Elizabeth
12, adopted daughter NC/NC/NC
( this is
incorrect, this is a person found in Market Bulletin who stayed with
them/ NOT adopted.)
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