James David Farmer was born 12 Sep 1867 in TN, where he married Callie
Melissa Turner, born 23 Aug 1872 in DeKalb Co., TN. The last 8 of their 13
children were born in TX. They are both buried in Newport, Clay Co., TX.

George Washington Holden was born in 1810 in SC. He married 
Melesia Dishroom
who was born in 1812 in NC. The last of their eight children was born in TX.
Their son Andrew Jackson Holden was born 14 May 1836 in GA; he married Nancy
Powell born 24 Oct 1844; their daughter Mary Lee Holden was born 19 Sep 1867
and later married William Grant Simons born 11 May 1864. They are also
buried in Newport, Clay Co. TX.

The old church holds many memories for me in my childhood. I remember church
services there, family reunions outside, and a few funerals, but my favorite
memory was when Santa came and gave out candy and toys there @1956  or 1957.

Callie on porch

     Holden, George Washington 1810 - 1894
Holden, Melesia Dishroom 1812 - 1895
Buried at Wrights Creek Cemetery

                  Farmer Headstone                                                      James D. Farmer


 Newport Church



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