The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1887
Biographical Sketches, Shelby County

H Surnames


Benjamin F. Haller, secretary of the Hope Oil Mills of Memphis, was born in Smyth County, A.,
March 4, 1836, and is the son of George W. and Anna (Johnson) Haller, both natives of Virginia,
the father being a physician of prominence. Our subject was reared in Virginia, and given a
fair education. He came to Memphis in 1858, and was connected with mercantile houses until the
war broke out, when he entered the Confederate service as color-bearer of the Fourth Tennessee
Shelby Grays. In August, 1861, he was commissioned to raise a company, which he promptly did,
and the same was consolidated with another under the name of the Sumter Grays. He became second
lieutenant of this company, and after the battle of Shiloh, first lieutenant. His company was
transferred to the artillery service, and was assigned to a siege battery at Corinth, and later
to the light artillery service, serving thus under Gen. Forrest until the close of the war. He
then for three years engaged it the wholesale grocery business in Memphis, then for a time in
the wholesale notion and white goods trade, and in 1874 accepted his present position. October
10, 1867, he was married to Miss Clemmie Fisher, of this city. They have one son. Mr. Haller is
a Democrat, a Knight Templar in Masonry (being Past Grand Commander of the State and having
held all the offices in his local lodge ), a K. of H. and a member of the First Presbyterian
Church of this city.

Andrew J. Harris, trustee of Shelby County, was born in Henry County, Tenn., September 5,1852,
and is the son of William R. and Evelina P. (Atkins) Harris, natives respectively of North
Carolina and Tennessee. When Andrew J. was six weeks old his father moved to Memphis, where he
has since resided. Our subject, upon reaching manhood, served a year as deputy United States
marshal, when he resigned and accepted a position in the United States internal revenue
service. His work was the dangerous task of suppressing illicit distilling in west Tennessee.
He succeeded in a highly satisfactory manner Returning to Memphis, he was appointed deputy
Sheriff, and having served two years was reappointed and served two years longer. In 1882 he
was nominated and elected county trustee, and in 1884 was renominated and re-elected. He is one
of the most popular officials of Shelby county. He gave such satisfaction that in 1886 he was
again renominated, without opposition, for the same position and re-elected, and is thus
engaged at present. June 7, 1877, he was united in marriage with Miss Emily S. Cummings, a
native of Mississippi, and to this union there are four living children - three sons and one
daughter. Mr. Harris is a Knight Templar of the Masonic order, and himself and wife are members
of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church of Memphis of which church he is a steward.

Needham F. Harrison, register of Shelby County, was born in Fayette County, Tenn., September
13, 1836, and is the son of Henry and Jerusha (Peden) Harrison, natives respectively of North
Carolina and Virginia. In March, 1844, the father moved to Shelby County, where he engaged in
agricultural pursuits until his death in 1856. He was a successful planter and a useful and
honorable citizen. Needham F. was reared and educated in this county and lived upon a
plantation until the war broke out, when, in 1861, he enlisted in Company C, known as the
"Secession Guards," Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment, Confederate States Army, and served as a
non-commissioned officer and private until after the battle of Chickamauga, when he was
promoted to first lieutenant of' Company C, and as such served honorably until near the close
of the war, when he joined the Henderson Scouts and remained with them until the surrender. At
Chickamauga he was seriously wounded in the face by a minie-ball. After the war he resumed
farming in Shelby County, continuing until August, 1886, when he was elected by the local
Democracy to the office of register, and is yet serving acceptably and, efficiently in that
responsible position. In February, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Fannie E. Neely,
of this county, and by her has five living children--two sons and three daughters. Mr. Harrison
previously lost a wife by death, having by her no issue. He has reached the Royal Arch degree
in Masonry, and is the present Grand Scribe of Tennessee. He is also a member of the K. of H.,
and himself and family are Presbyterians in religious belief.

Capt. James Harvey Mathes is of Scotch-Irish extraction and was born in Jefferson County,
Tenn., June 19, 1841, and was reared on his father's farm. He was educated at the country
schools until his sixteenth year, when he entered Westminster Academy, East Tennessee, and
remained there three years. He then taught school in Alabama, and at the same time pursued the
study of law and prepared himself for college. But the war broke out, and on the day that Fort
Sumter fell he left his Alabama school and returned home. He immediately espoused the cause of
the South, notwithstanding that his father and many of his relatives adopted Union views. He
raised a company for the Confederate service and was made captain, but his company was not
accepted and was finally distributed to different branches of the army, and Mr. Mathes enlisted
as a private in the Thirty-seventh Tennessee Regiment, and was elected orderly sergeant of his
company, and later was made sergeant major of his regiment. He participated in the battle of
Mill Springs, Ky., and upon the reorganization of the army at Corinth was elected first
lieutenant of his company. He participated at Perryville, where his regiment lost nearly half
its number, killed or wounded. At Murfreesboro he was practically left in command of the
regiment by the fall of his superior regimental officers. He did considerable detached duty and
special service, and late in 1863 joined his old regiment and was soon after appointed
inspector of Tyler's brigade. In the Georgia campaign he was under fire about seventy days out
of seventy-five, and during that time wrote for the Memphis Appeal under the nom de plume of
"Harvey." July 22, 1864, he was badly wounded in the left knee by the explosion of a shell, and
his horse was killed under him. His leg was amputated just above the knee, but he survived the
terrible ordeal, although gangrene set in and his life was despaired of in May, 1865, he
returned to Memphis and was paroled. Soon after the war he secured the position of city editor
of the Memphis Daily Argus. In 1866 his leg was again amputated, being hastened by a railroad
accident. After recovery he connected himself with the Louisville Courier, but ill health
forced him to resign, and he then acted as special correspondent from Indianapolis and Chicago.
March 1, 1869, he became city editor of the Memphis Public Ledger, and in 1872 was appointed
chief editor, and has thus been engaged since. December 2, 1868, he married Miss Mildred
Spotswood Cash, daughter of Col. Benj. Cash, and to this union the following children have been
born: Mildred Overton; Lee Dandridge, Benjamin Cash, James Harvey and Talbot Spotswood. Capt.
Mathes is a member of the Congregational Church, and belongs to the Masonic, K. of H, and the
A. O. U. W, orders. He has served several terms in the State Legislature, and has been State
elector to the national electoral college on the Cleveland and Hendricks ticket. He owns a half
interest in the Public Ledger, and continues to be the leading editorial writer of the paper.

David Hastings, a prominent citizen of Shelby County, was born in the south of Scotland,
October 6, 1828, and immigrated to America in 1849, settling in the province of New Brunswick,
in the British Dominion. In 1853 he moved to Holly Springs, Miss., where he followed farming
and carpentering until 1862; then enlisted in the Confederate Army in Company C, Eighteenth
Mississippi Cavalry. He was in the battles of Harrisburg, Hurricane Creek and Franklin, and
Selma, Ala.; was taken prisoner at Selma, but escaped and soon after reported to Gen. Armstrong
at Columbus, Miss. He was granted a parole of ten days, and during the time the general
surrender took place. In 1865 he moved to Memphis, Tenn., and engaged in the hotel business
until 1884; since then he has enjoyed a quiet life at his beautiful residence in the suburbs of
the city. Mr. Hastings was married in New Brunswick, December l0, 1850, to Margaret Murray,
daughter of Joseph Murray. Mrs. Hastings was born in New Brunswick oil the Straits of
Northumberland, April 30, 1833. One daughter, Janet, now the wife of W.H. Landis, of Belle
Buckle, Tenn., was born to this union. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings are influential members of the Old
School Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hastings is a Democrat and takes an active interest in the
success of his party. He owns the Central Hotel at Memphis and 500 acres of land, fifty acres
being in the home place, four miles east of Memphis. Mr. Hastings is a man of strict integrity
and fine judgment.

Hatchett & Stratton, real estate agents and brokers, No. 298 Main Street, is a strong firm,
composed of Americus Hatchett and B. M. Stratton. They do a large general real estate business,
and make a specialty of collecting and paying rents, taxes, etc. The present firm established
their business in 1883, and it has now grown to large proportions, an index of the energy and
faithfulness of the firm. Mr. Hatchett, the senior member of the firm, was born in King William
County, Va., July 4, 1822, and is the son of Rev. William Hatchett by his marriage with Miss
Hannah T. Gwathmey, both parents being natives of the Old Dominion. Americus was reared in his
native State, and removed to Alabama in his twentieth year, where he engaged in the cotton
commission business until 1852; then went to New Orleans and followed the same business in New
Orleans two years, and then went to Shreveport, La., where he still was engaged in the same
business. From 1856 to 1882 he conducted the same business in Memphis, except a few years
during the late war, when he was connected, for a time only, with the quartermaster's
department of the Confederate Government, at Memphis. In 1883 he engaged in his present
business. He is married and has one son and one daughter. In politics he is a Democrat. He is a
Mason, an Odd Fellow, a member of the R. A., and is a member of the Baptist Church.

Haynes, Ellis & Co., cotton factors and commission merchants, located at 260 Front Street,
Memphis, Tenn., and the firm being composed of T.B. Haynes and J.T. Ellis, established their
business in 1886. Mr. Haynes, the senior member of the firm, is a native of Henry County,
Tenn., and a son of Henry G. and Matilda (Butler) Haynes. In 1861 he enlisted in the Fifth
Tennessee Regiment (Confederate Army) and remained in service until 1862, when he was
discharged on account of ill health and returned home. In 1862 he married Docia Allen, of Henry
County, and the daughter of W.B. and Elizabeth Allen. Four children blessed this union--two
daughters and two sons. One daughter died in 1868. Previous to this, in 1865, Mr. Haynes came
to this city and engaged in the cotton factor and commission business with J.W. Cobb. He has,
since that time, had several partners, and a portion of the time has been alone, until the
establishment of the present firm. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. J.T. Ellis, the
junior member of the firm, is a native of Shelby County, Tenn., and a son of Robert L. and Mary
(Cross) Ellis. He was engaged in business at Bartlett, this county, for six years previous to
his engaging in his present business. November 13, 1872, he married Ida E. Crenshaw, daughter
of William A. and L. H. Crenshaw, and to this union were born seven children, only three of
whom are now living. Mr. Ellis is a Mason and he and wife are members of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church.

F. H. Heiskell is a member of the prominent law firm of Heiskell & Heiskell, his father, J. B.
Heiskell, being the senior member of the firm. In 1874 the firm of Heiskell, Weatherford &
Heiskell was formed, but in 1883 Mr. Weatherford withdrew, leaving the firm as it is at
present. F. H. Heiskell is a native of Rogersville, Tenn., and was educated at Washington-Lee
University, Lexington, Ky., and began the study of law in this city in 1872. He was admitted to
the bar in 1874, since which date he has been associated with his father in the practice of his
profession. In 1880 he was joined in marriage to Miss Gussie L., daughter of Secretary L. Q. C.
Lamar, of Mississippi, and this lady has presented him with three children, all of whom are
living. Mr. Heiskell is a member of the K. of H. His father is a native of Knoxville, Tenn.,
where he was educated and admitted to the bar in about 1843. He practiced at Madisonville,
Tenn., until about 1850, and at Rogersville with Col. John Netherland until 1860. He was a
member of the Confederate Congress, and at the close of the war came to Memphis where he has
since practiced his profession. He was a member of the State constitutional convention of 1870.
In 1846 he married Miss Sarah A. McKinney, who bore her husband seven children, of whom five
are still living. The grandparents of our subject were Frederick S. and Eliza (Brown) Heiskell.
Frederick S. Heiskell edited and published the Knoxville Register from 1816 to 1836, and was
State printer from 1820 to 1836. He was a member of the State Legislature in 1847-48. His death
occurred in 1882, his wife preceding him in 1854.

Judge C. W. Heiskell is a native of Knox County, Tenn., was educated partly in Knoxville, but
graduated at Maryville College. He studied law while teaching school and was admitted to the
bar at Rogersville, Tenn., and practiced his profession there until the commencement of the
late war, when he enlisted in the Confederate service, and served with distinction, rising
steadily in rank, until at the close of the war he was mustered out at High Point, N. C., as
colonel of the Nineteenth Tennessee Regiment Infantry. In 1865 he went to Memphis, and has
since practiced law there with the exception of eight years (from 1870 to 1878) when he was
judge of the circuit court of Shelby County. From 1878 to 1883 he served as city attorney,
being one of the strongest advocates who ever occupied that position. He is at present a
director in the Memphis Brush Electric Light Company, and is president of the Memphis Bethel, a
charitable organization. He was married October 31, 1861, to Miss Eliza Netherland, a native of
Rogersville, Tenn., who has born her husband nine children, of whom seven are still living. His
parents were Frederick S. and Eliza (Brown) Heiskell, for sketch of whom see above.

John L. Henderson (deceased) was born in Georgia in 1804 and when young moved with his parents
to Lincoln County, afterward to Alabama and finally to Jackson, Tenn., where he married Letitia
E. Reynolds, who was born September 3, 1807, and the daughter of William and Mary (Exum)
Reynolds. Her father was a native of North Carolina and the mother a native of Virginia. When
young they moved to Sumner County where they were married and after moving around considerably
he went to Mississippi and here the mother died. He then married Frances Cooper and settled in
Shelby County where he died in 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson lived for many years in Madison
County and later moved to Mississippi. In 1846 he volunteered as a soldier in the Mexican war,
but died at Vicksburg ere he reached the scenes of the field. In their family were seven
children, all daughters. In 1848 his widow and children moved to Shelby County, Tenn. She has
been very successful as a financier, not only paying off all debts against her husband but has
arisen to the ownership of 200 acres of splendid land. Both Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were church
members, he of the Presbyterian and she of the Methodist. In the days of militia he held the
positions of captain, major and colonel.

Dr. W. L. Henderson, superintendent of public instruction of Shelby County, was born in Panola,
Miss., June 2, 1838, and is the son of John F. and Irene M. (Shelton) Henderson, natives
respectively of Tennessee and Kentucky. Our subject was reared in Missouri, and after attaining
his majority began the study of medicine with the view of making it a profession. In 1864 he
graduated from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and from the Long Island Hospital
the same year. He then attended Bellevue and Blackwell Island Medical Hospitals to study
oscultation and diseases of the heart, and secured a certificate from Prof. Austin Flint, Sr.
He served in his professional capacity in the Confederate service about two years, but was not
regularly commissioned. After the war he practiced medicine in Memphis three years, when he
removed to his present residence twelve miles north of the city, and has there conducted his
plantation and practiced his profession since, with the exception of two years, when he served
as county superintendent from 1881 to 1883. In January, 1887, he was again elected to this
position for a term of two years. September 2, 1864, he was married to Miss Margaret J. Steele,
of this county, daughter of John Steele, of this city. They have living two sons and one
daughter. Mr. Henderson is a Democrat, and a member of the Masonic and K. of H. orders, and of
the Episcopal Church.

Dr. B. G. Henning, a finely educated physician of Memphis, and professor of materia medica, and
also of the chair of clinical diseases of the rectum, in the Memphis Hospital Medical College,
was born in Lauderdale County, Tenn., in 1849, and was one of nine children, only two now
living, the parents being Dr. D. M. and Ann B. Henning. The father was born in Georgia in 1813,
and received his literary education at Athens, Ga., and graduated in medicine at the Jefferson
Medical College at Philadelphia; he then located in Lauderdale County and began the practice of
medicine, meeting with marked success. Dr. Henning, Sr., was a man of fine business
qualifications, and amassed a large estate; he was prominently connected with the Chesapeake &
Ohio Railroad, and was vice-president of it for awhile. He died in May, 1886. The mother was a
native of South Carolina; she moved to Brownsville, Tenn., when young, and was educated there.
She died in 1879. Dr. B. G. Henning was educated at Covington, Tenn., under Prof. Byars; in
1868 he entered the Jefferson Medical College, and afterward attended the Bellevue Hospital
Medical College in New York, where he graduated in 1870; then spent some time in the hospitals
of that city practicing, and after this he moved to Memphis and was connected with the Memphis
Medical College until l872, when he went to Europe and spent some time practicing and studying
in the hospitals of London, France and Germany. He was one of the founders of the Memphis
Hospital Medical College, and the first to fill the chair of principles and practice of
surgery, continuing to hold it for four years, when he resigned on account of ill health, and
in October, 1886, he was elected to fill his present position. Dr. Henning has always been a
zealous worker in the interests of this institution, and has devoted the best energies of his
nature to the study of medicine, and justly deserves his position in the front ranks of the
profession. In 1874 he married Miss C. L., daughter of Dr. J.R. Frayser, and they have three
children living. He is a man of culture, and stands without a peer in his profession in the

George H. Herbers, senior member of the firm of G.H. Herbers & Co., wholesale grocers and
liquor dealers, 338 and 340 Front Street, was born in this city in 1851. He was reared and
educated here, and first began by clerking for Cloth & Kettmann, July 1, 1866, and became a
partner of this firm September 1, 1874, and in 1886 the present firm was formed, consisting of
Louis Kettmann, son of H. Kettmann, deceased, of the late firm of Cloth & Kettmann, and our
subject. The firm of Cloth & Kettmann existed from 1860 to 1883. The present firm does an
annual business of about $500,000. They do a wholesale business exclusively. In 1875 Mr.
Herbers was joined in marriage to Miss Christina Mette, a native of this city, who has borne
four children: Christina, Lizzie, Clara and George H., all living. The parents of Mr. Herbers
were natives of Germany and came to this country about 1845. The father, a retail grocer, died
in 1861, and the mother in 1874.

F. B. Herron, a member of the firm of Fly, Herron & Hobson, wholesale grocers, cotton factors
and commission merchants, 322 and 324 Front Street, is a native of Panola County, Miss., but
was reared in Tallahatchie County, of the same State, and educated in the common schools. He
was born in 1848, and passed his youth without noteworthy event. Beginning in 1866 he spent
several years in a store as a clerk at Coffeeville, Miss., and then embarked in the mercantile
business for himself at the same place, and so continued until the present partnership was
formed. He still continued to reside at Coffeeville, however, until April, 1886, when he moved
to this city to take charge of his interests here. For the year 1886 the firm had a trade of
about $800,000. The firm is one of the strongest and most reliable in the city. Mr. Herron's
father died in 1861, but the mother is yet living at Milan, Tenn.

A. Bruce Hill, secretary of the board of education of Memphis, is a son of John S. and
Henrietta (Dewese) Hill, natives of North Carolina, born in 1808 and 1813 respectively. They
were married in 1835, and the same year came to Tipton County, where they engaged in
agricultural pursuits. For about eighteen years he was a magistrate, and in politics a Whig
till 1836, being from that time up to the time of his death a Democrat. Their family consisted
of nine children--seven sons and two daughters. Four of the boys, A. Bruce, James M., J. Sloan,
and E, W. Thomas fought nobly for the Southern cause during the late war. The last named died
in service. In 1863 while waiting on the sick and the wounded of the battle of Chickamauga the
father contracted a fever of which he died ere reaching home. The mother still lives. Our
subject was born December 12, 1837, in Tipton County, was reared on a farm and received a
thorough academic education. At the age of eighteen he began teaching but soon after engaged in
the mercantile business. In 1861 he volunteered in Company G, of the Fifty-first Tennessee
Infantry, Confederate Army. He was successively promoted to first lieutenant and captain of his
company, holding the latter till the close of the war. During nearly four years of service he
was neither wounded nor captured, and at the close of the war returned to Tipton County, where
he engaged in merchandising. In 1865 he married Hattie E. Thompson who was born in 1843. The
fruits of this union are three children, two sons and one daughter, the eldest son being dead.
In 1868 Mr. Hill moved to Memphis and the following year his wife died. In 1872 he married
Isabelle R. Vanse, born in 1848, and to this union were born seven children--three sons and four
daughters. He and both wives are Presbyterians. Having been engaged in the mercantile business
till 1881, he was elected secretary of the board of education. He is a Mason, an Odd Fellow; a
member of the A. O. U. W., being recorder; a member of the Order of K. of H., being financial
reporter, and a member of the K. & L. of H., being treasurer. He is a Democrat in politics.

Dr. J. T. B. Hillhouse, superintendent of the roadway of the L. N. O. & T. R. R., is a son of
John and Catherine M. (Van Vranken) Hillhouse. The father was born in New York, and educated at
West Point Military School. He held the position of lieutenant in the regular army and that of
assistant adjutant-general on the staff of Gen. Martindale during the late war. The mother was
born in Schenectady, N. Y. In the family were three sons. The other two are lawyers. In 1880
the mother died and the following year the father, too, passed away. Our subject was born
October 24, 1848, near Albany, N. Y., and was educated at Yale College, graduating in 1869.
Subsequently he was employed as civil engineer by the Southern Pacific & Elizabethtown,
Lexington & Big Sandy Railroad. In 1876 he graduated from the College of Physicians and
Surgeons at New York, and for three years practiced in New York City. Not liking the profession
he returned to his former calling. From 1881 to 1884 he was chief engineer of the Chesapeake,
Ohio & Southwestern, also the Louisville Short Route, and in 1885 he was called to his present
position. In 1877 he married Mary L. Dickinson, of New York City, by whom he has one daughter,
Adelaide. The Doctor is a first-class engineer.

Hirsch & Gronauer, general insurance agents, is a prominent Memphis firm composed of Samuel
Hirsch and Herman Gronauer, whose office is at 289 Main Street. This business was started in
1869 by A. Loeb, who conducted it until 1873, when he removed to Chicago. He was succeeded by
Sturm & Hirsch, who continued until 1880, when Mr. Gronauer took Mr. Storm's place, and Hirsch
& Gronauer has been the style of the firm since. They are now doing a very large general
insurance business and represent the following well known and reliable companies: London,
Assurance, of London; British America Assurance, of Toronto; Niagara, of New York; American
Central, of St. Louis; Boylston, of Boston, and Howard, of New York. Mr. Hirsch was born in
Germany, June 25,1837, and came to the United States in 1853 and to Memphis in 1863. He was
engaged in the dry goods trade until he entered his present business. He is married and has
four sons and three daughters living. He is a E. of H. and since 1873 has been a member of the
Memphis board of underwriters, of which he was vice president six years and president two years.
He is now a member and secretary of the Jewish congregation. Mr. Gronauer is also a native of
Germany and was born August 5, 1832. He came to the United States in 1856 and to Memphis in
1858, and followed mercantile pursuits until 1870, when he engaged in his present business. He
is married and has four sons and one daughter living. He is a Republican and is vice president
of the Jewish congregation. He belongs to the A. O. U. W. and the I. O. O. F., of which last
order he is Past Grand of Schiller Lodge, No. 140, of this city.

Tom Holeman, justice of the peace for the Twelfth District, is a native of Person County, N.
C., and was born June 12, 1830, and is the son of James and Mary (Van Hook) Holeman, both
parents being natives of North Carolina. Tom was reared and educated in his native State, where
he read law, and in 1856 he came to Tennessee and located on a plantation in Shelby County,
where he has ever since resided. When the war broke out in 1861, he enlisted in Company C,
Thirteenth Tennessee Confederate Infantry, under Col. John V. Wright, and, serving through the
grades of private, became lieutenant. He was severely wounded at Shiloh, and was then detailed
on lighter duties, continuing thus until the close of the war. He has never fully recovered
from the wound in his ankle. After the war he resumed agricultural pursuits, and in 1870 was
elected magistrate, which position he has occupied ever since. In 1874 he was elected chairman
of the county court, serving thus until 1882, when he declined to act further in that office.
In politics he is a liberal Democrat, believing in the principles of governmental aid to
education, protection to American industries, etc. February 14, 1866, he married his present
and second wife, who was Miss Lizzie Daniel, a native of Halifax County, N.C., daughter of
William Daniel, and niece of John Jones Reeves, the latter a noted congressman of that State.
By this union there is one living son -Tom, Jr., born December 25, 1868. Mr. Holeman and family
are members of the Episcopal Church.

W. D. Horne, M. D., is a native of Shelby County and a son of J. B. and Martha (Griffin) Horne.
The father came from North Carolina to this county, where he has resided for more than fifty
years. The mother is a native of Virginia. In their family were six children, five of whom died
in infancy. J.B.'s second wife was Mary J. Berry, of Shelby County. This marriage resulted in
the birth. of five children four of whom are living. Dr. Horne received his literary education
in this county and at Cave City, Ky. In February, 1876, he began reading medicine under the
well known physician, S.C. Maddox, and in October 1876, he entered the Vanderbilt University
at Nashville, where he graduated in February, 1878. He then came to Brunswick and has been
engaged in the practice of his profession at this place ever since with evident success, his
practice being large and remunerative. In 1879 he married Rosa L. Pearson, of this county, and
the daughter of James L. and Emily Pearson. Four children blessed our subject's union. He is a
member of the Masonic fraternity and a Knight of Honor.

Mrs. W. H. Horton, superintendent of public instruction of Shelby County, is a daughter of
Judge P.T. and Minerva (Rivers) Scruggs, both natives of Middle Tennessee, the father born in
1806 and the mother in 1808. When young they came to Fayette County, where their marriage rites
were duly solemnized. In their family were five children three of whom are living. One of the
boys was killed in the late war. Of the living one son is a lawyer. The father also followed
that profession, and, though a self-made man, became prominent in his profession. Having moved
to Holly Springs, Miss., he there practiced for a period of about ten years, holding for a time
the office of circuit judge. After his return to Memphis he was chosen judge of the criminal
court, and was holding that office at the time of his death. Both parents and children are
Methodists. In 1860 the mother died, and eighteen years later the father died of yellow fever.
The subject is a native of Fayette County and received her education at Franklin Female
College, Miss. In 1861 she married W. H. Horton, a commissioner, of Memphis. The same year of
his marriage be entered the Confederate service under Forrest, and, after serving some two
years, lost a leg while scouting around Memphis. His constitution having been ruined by the
hardships of war, he became an invalid. To support the family of one son and three daughters
Mrs. Horton began teaching, which she continued till 1882 when she was elected superintendent
of public instruction and has held the position since. Under her skillful management the
schools of Shelby County have attained a standard of excellence second to none in the State.

Henry Hotter, secretary of the Memphis Cotton Exchange and Cotton Exchange Building Company,
was born May 22, 1857. His father died in 1865, and he was thrown upon his own resources. He
attended the public schools of the city in 1864-65, and was employed in December, 1873, as a
messenger for the Cotton Exchange. In 1874 he was appointed clerk and in 1878 was promoted to
assistant secretary, and served as such under John S. Toof, secretary, and S.M. Gates,
secretary, until the death of Mr. Gates in April, 1881. He was then elected secretary, and has
been reelected to the same office every year since. The history of the cotton Exchange is his
own history. He began with it at its birth, when he was a boy, and is now one of its most
trusted and faithful servants. He has been with it over thirteen years, and is the only one of
the original employees still with it. He was married September 25, 1880, to Miss Emma E.
Bollinger, Memphis, Tenn., and by her has two living daughters. Mr. Hotter is a Democrat.

Bernard Hughes, contracting freight and ticket agent for the Memphis & Charleston Railroad
Company, is a son of Edward and Mary (Fife) Hughes, natives of "the Ever Green Isle."  He was
born in County Armagh, and she in County Tyrone. Having married in their native country they
came to Louisville, Ky., where they passed the remainder of their days. Both lived and died in
the Catholic faith. Our subject was born February 5, 1839, in Louisville, Ky., and while
growing up received a limited education. In 1858 he became identified with the Memphis &
Charleston Road, and save a short intermission during the war he has been with them since. Few,
if any, have been in the employ of one line as long. Having started as a passenger agent he
arose by close application to his present responsible position. In 1861 he went out with a
division of heavy artillery but was soon called to headquarters to keep up telegraphic
communication, serving throughout the war. At its close he spent two years on the plains. He
has the honor of having opened the first telegraphic communication between Montana and States.
In 1871 he married W.E. Ellis, of Henderson, Ky., by whom he had five children. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Hughes are members of the catholic church. Our subject has gained some distinction as a
humorist He delivers lectures to the public on the following unique subjects: "The Mule",
"Sunday Laws",  "How men could be taught to cook," etc.

Emmett Howard. As head manager of the Western Union Telegraph officers of Memphis stands Emmett Howard, the son of John and Julia (Duncan) Howard, natives of Davis County, Ky., where they
reared a being telegraphist. The father, a contractor and builder by profession, died in 1853,
but the mother still lives in the grand old State of Kentucky. Emmett Howard was born in
Kentucky and while growing up learned the useful art of telegraphy and soon took charge of an
office. During the war he was on post duty at Meridian, Miss. From 1866 to 1877 he had charge
of the office at Humboldt, Tenn., and at the same time was also interested in the mercantile
business; from there he went to Columbia, S.C., and had charge of the Western Union office
about three years. He then became contracting agent for the company with headquarters at
Nashville and in 1881 was transferred to Memphis. In 1873 he married Annie E. Gilbert, of Logan
County, Ky., who after a happy wedded life of nine years passed to "that undiscovered country
from whose born no traveler returns." Mr. Howard has proved an able and trustworthy officer
from the fact that he is interested with a position that is of so much moment to the commercial