Deed from

David P. Peirce to
Flourney T. Simmons & Henry Clay Williamson

Dated 16 Nov 1867

David P. Peirce
To} Deed ½ Lot
Simmons & Williamson
Rec. Novm 16th 1867 at 5 o'Clock PM

For the consideration of None Hundred Dollars to me secured by their live ?? One for @500.00 due January 1st 1868 and the other for $400.00 due January ?? dated this day. I David P Pierce of Dyer County Tennessee have bargained sold, and do hereby alien, Transfer, convey and confirm unto Flourney T. Simmons and Henry Clay Williamson of the same County, my undivided half interest Portion of the town Lot known and designated on the original plan of the town lot known and designated as the original Plan of the town of Dyersburg as Lot Number three now occupied by Simmons & Williamson to the southern two thirds of said lot, Beginning at the South West corner of said T. Chamblin' s & ?? corner ?? thence North 40 feet to a stake, JB Armstrongs Corner, thence East with Armstrongs line 120 feet to the ?? 40 feet to T. Chambling & ?? corner and with their lot west 120 feet to the Beginning. Containing 4800 square feet more or less in said half interest of said parcel of ground with all and singular, the rights emoluments, tenements and assertenances of in and to the same belonging or in anywise assertaining to the only proper use and behoof of them the said Simmons & Williamson and their heirs forever as tenants in ?? And I covenant and bind myself my heirs & representatives to warrant & forever defend the title of said half interest in said parcel of ground and bargained premises unto the said Simmons & Williamson and their heirs against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whatever, subject however to a special lein in favor of me and my assigns for said purchase money.
          Witness my hand and seal this 16th day of November 1867. D.P. Pierce {Seal}
(U N R E A D A B L E US Revenue Stamp Affixed $1.00)
                                        LP Williamson {SEAL}
                                        JW Ledbetter{SEAL}

State of Tennessee }
County of Dyer       } Personally appeared before me TH Benton Clerk of the County Court of Said County David P. Pierce the bargainer above named with whom I am personally acquainted & acknowledged that he executed the foregoing deed for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand at office this 16th Day of November 1867
(State Tax .90 paid)
                                        TH Benton Clerk
                                        By FG Sampson Deputy

NOTE: This deed was found in Dyer County Deeds Book O, Page 16-17. There are many grammatical errors.


A special thank you to , who transcribed and contributed this document, for use on this web site.

This transcription is provided for personal use only, and is not to be copied, redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes.


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