Mrs. Maybelle Jetton Neal

Crockett County Sentinel
May 25, 1923


Mrs. Maybelle JETTON NEAL, daughter of R. H. & Laura JETTON, was born March 22nd, 1875, and died April 9th, 1923, age 48 years,  18 days. She united with the Methodist Church at Maury City when it was organized and lived a faithful, consistent Christian life. She was married to Robert M. NEAL December 20th, 1899, and to this happy union were born four children. two boys and two girls; one baby girl preceded her home about 11 years ago.  She leaves her husband and three children; Leslie, Floy, and Ray,  an aged father and mother, four brothers and one sister. Also a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She was a kind and true wife, a loving mother and a devout Christian, and she was always ready to help those who were in need of help, so thoughtful of her aged and infirm parents, ever looking after their welfare. She isn't only missed in her own home, but in the home of father & mother, who looked forward to her coming and her cheerful greeting. But, alas, she will not come again! She seemed to realize the end was near, and talked to her husband, children and others, giving advice and warning them against sin. She said, "I leave no one behind who holds anything against me.' Let us all strive to live true Christian lives and meet her in Heaven, where she will be watching and waiting for her loved ones. She was laid to rest in Floyd's Chapel Cemetery April 10th, 1923, after funeral services held by Bros. BARKER & DAVIS.

Contributed by Sarah Hutcherson

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